
I’m here to post my own theory on our newest Emperor, Blackbeard. Now I know there are tons of content and ideas about this guy, ranging from Cerberus to split personality to the ceremonial dagger. So I just wanted to throw my hat into the ring and see how it goes. Warning, this might be a pretty long post. Hang in there with me guys.

So the first thing I wanted to address is how BB is in fact a genius. I think he is the mascot for people who are super smart but act super dumb. The sheer number of things he was able to predict/manipulate is staggering. And I think he would be the the kind of person who would actively lie about his own abilities to get an advantage. (ie Trebol)

The core of the theory then is that Blackbeard’s power does not function the way he tells us it does. He tells us exactly what he needs to for us to hang ourselves in assumptions. What do I mean? Let’s take a look at his powers and our assumption about them.

1. BB is able to suck in anything into what appears to be an alternate dimension and can push it out of said dimension.
2. BB does not have normal Logia functions like regeneration or intangibility.
3. BB suffers more pain than a normal human being, yet can survive some serious damage.
4. BB can cancel out the effects of other fruits.
5. We assume that all of these effects belong to the Yami Yami no Mi.

We assume this, because that’s what Blackbeard tells us. But what if he is lying? What if the Yami Yami no Mi is not solely responsible for all these exceptional powers? What if number 3 and 4 is a separate ability all together?

I know this is a pretty bold claim; I’ll admit, it’s pretty far out there. But here’s a few hints that led me to this conclusion.

When BB fought Ace, he said a few interesting remarks. Chief among them are “This power chose me.” and “My body absorbs much more pain than a normal human’s.” and “This power is the most evil.” Now we automatically attributes the extra damage anomaly to the Yami Yami no Mi, but I no longer think it is the case. And why would BB say that this specific fruit chose him? And why is the Yami Yami no Mi so evil? I believe he said all these things because he is hiding the fact that the Yami Yami no Mi is his 2nd fruit, not the first one.

So here’s a little scenario I constructed. I think that BB ate a very useless fruit as a young child like Luffy. I know, I know, we all love the Gumo Gumo no Mi. But comon, stretching like rubber is pretty tame in comparison to some of the overpowered fruits we have come across. But instead of embracing the power as Luffy have, BB’s fruit made him extremely sad and depressed. Which is why he was crying as a kid.

What is this useless fruit? I think that it is similar to Urouge’s fruit. It would have the effect of amplifying pain in exchange for toughness and the ability to cancel out other fruits like a powered up sea stone. As a kid, pain amplification might have been the only effect that BB knew and it overwhelmed BB, which is why he set out to find the Book on Devil Fruits, hoping that it might help his situation.

Instead of a cure, he found information on the Yami Yami no Mi. I think that this book held the true information on what his fruit and the Yami Yami no Mi does, and one of Dark traits is that its power is self-destructive. I think that this fruit is so evil, because it kills its own user with its power. But then there might be a footnote on the page where it states that the Author (assumed to be Vegapunk) theorize that another fruit might be out there which could allow the user to use and control the Yami Yami no Mi. And this here is why BB thinks this power chose him. Because it just so happens that his first fruit can handle the power of absorbing another fruit and the Yami Yami no Mi.

Then with this new information, he came under Whitebeard and begun his search for the Yami Yami no Mi.

So then how does this work? And why does it matter? Well I think it matters for a few different reasons.

Thematically, this would bring BB one step closer to Luffy. Both ate a ‘bad’ fruit early in life, but one rejected it and one embraced it. It could bring out more character development for Luffy by setting up BB as a foil.

Story wise, I think it’d be a pretty killer plot twist. It would explain BB’s pirate flag and set up Vegapunk to be a critical element in bringing down BB. Because Luffy and crew need to know this final trump card up BB’s sleeve to defeat him. It would be essential come up with a plan to deal with his insane endurance.

It would also explain a couple of BB’s tendencies. Ever notice how he is really slow in battle and talk alot, specifically to provoke his opponents? And I think he almost always get hit first. I think he needs to feel pain in order to evoke his first fruit’s power to control his 2nd and 3rd fruit. And in the case where his opponents don’t fight first, he could grind his missing teeth to generate pain to fuel his powers.

So there it is, that’s roughly my idea on how BB’s powers works. I know it’s really out there, but it does connect a few dots for me personally.

What do you guys think?

*Theory by Cloudastic


  1. this is actually quite interesting and I’d totally believe that Oda would do things like that!

  2. A really nice idea and congratz for presenting it so well and giving us your thoughts on this matter.
    On the one hard when i was reading it i was starting to believe that it could be true, everything you mentioned is very logical, makes sense (always regarding the anime) and it could be possible.
    On the other hand i think that maybe it is a little too much for BB to have 3 devil fruits and Oda has stated what yami yami no mi is capable off right? Which can be found in the OP wiki…it can absorb everything with it’s darkness, also the power’s of other devil fruits users and the reason why he feels so much pain when attacked is because it also absorbs attacks, he remains vulnerable to attacks which ,i think, means that he can’t use haki or anything like that to protect himself and it is definitely his greatest weakness. From what we can see haki is the most important power to have when entering the new world and what makes a difference between the strongest and the weaker. Still BB remains really strong because we could say that his power is haki-like considering that he can hurt even the devil fruit users who are considered to be vulnerable to normal attacks and because it gives him the ability to get the devil fruit for a user who has been killed or something like that. He got his hands on whitebeard’s devil fruit, one of the strongest ones, holding a massive power withing it and capable of destroying everything… just imagine of what he can do using yami yami no mi and this…catch someone with his vortex and then smash him using gura gura no mi’s power. He is going to be a really hard and fearsome opponent, a little like what Whitebeard was, but of course a little because Whitebeard had years of experience using his devil fruit and the strength of winning countless battle. BB wouldn’t even need to get another devil fruit after this if he can but i always like to expect something suprising from Oda and OP and that is what usually happens… something that never even crossed my mind.
    We just have to get to know why it is the most evil devil fruit… we could say that it is because it is connected to darkness but this is too simple, when we are talking about one piece it could be something more complicated also connected with BB’s past.
    Anyway apart from all these i still love to read theorys about one piece so keep up the good work if there is anything else you are thinking about 🙂

  3. BB ate a mythical zoan type hippopotamus …. Which is hippo has a big body and have a small legs if im not mistaken hippo have a 3 stomach thats why he can ate 3 devil fruits and thats why his jolly roger have a 3 skulls and represent as devil fruits type like zoan , logian , paramecia ..

    First Devil Fruit : Mythical Zoan Hippopotamus
    Second Devil Fruit : Yami Yami No Mi – Logian Type
    Third Devil Fruit : Gura Gura No Mi – Paramecia Type

  4. This is a really well made theory.
    Although I think he ate one of the Mythical Zoan, not the Hippo, but the Cerberus, the 3-headed dog, guardian of the Underworld. That way he could have 3 fruits one for each head, and explain his jolly roger. As for the reasons why he wanted the Yami Yami, I’ll keep waiting until it is unveiled.

  5. It´s a really well explain theory… However personally I think it´s wrong. Why? It´s simple. Ever since, the chapter in the Dressrossa arc, where Burguess fights Sabo I think I understand something. If the translations I have read are correct. He states that he is a devil fruits power hunter or something like that, and that if he could kill Sabo, he could took his power. That for me meant, that there is a method and it´s not related with the his devil fruit, that allows him to take a dead bodys devil fruit ability and use it, even if he already have a devil fruit. That for me would explain why BB covers himself when he tooks WB power. But, that´s just a theory…

  6. I really loved this one!! But I support Miguel’s argument, since when BB took WB fruit, the other crew members said something like “If this doesn’t work we’re gonna dismiss”. This means that they probably found a method to get the fruits of other users.

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