1. Garp obviously…

  2. Monkey D. Garp

  3. You’ve forgotten ryokogyu (Green Bull), anyways…

    Ill go with kong or zephyr in their prime.

  4. MONKEY.D.GARP ….. because its stated that he is the only one on par with the late pirate king

  5. garpield hahah lol

  6. Kong of course

  7. Garp!!!

    Remember when sengoku arrested him when he wanted to kill akainu

  8. Jawad Ahmed

    Zephyr Sensie Is the Strongest one. and some of them are his Students.

  9. kong! as the commander in chief, i bet he’s the one that handles everything; both pirates and the revolutionary army! hehehe.. and it seems no one wants to be in his place, coz no one can overthrow him. like akaino and aokiji fought for the position as fleet admiral… thats my idea!

  10. monkey d. garp of course

  11. Monkey D Garp. He is the hero of navy who almost killed Gol D Roger The Pirate King several time. And he is the only D in the navy except for saul who was weaker than aokiji.

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